Adopt-A-Row Program
The Adopt-the-Nursery program enables individuals, groups, or organizations to adopt the nursery the Shadetree Partnership Nursery in Irvine. The following tasks will be the responsibility of the adoptee and require an estimated minimum of eight hours of month.
• Weeding of the tree containers.
• Staking and pruning of the trees.
• Bi-annual fertilizing of the trees.
• Hand watering as needed, especially newly planted trees.
• Replanting of stock that has been planted in the community.
• Root pruning or cutting of roots that have protruded out of the bottom of the container.
• Verification of drip emitter to each tree container, at least one emitter per container.
Also involved will be good housekeeping rules such as making sure all gates and doors are closed and locked upon completion of the day’s work, picking up and returning tools to appropriate storage areas, cleaning up the work area and disposing of all trash in the dumpster and observance of all of Shadetree’s posted rules of conduct.Adopt the Nursery Application
Prior to adopting the nursery, we encourage you to sign up for one of our events to see if you enjoy this activity. If you enjoy yourself, contact one of our staff at our event.
If you are interested in this program, and would like to discuss and/or sign up for the Adopt-the Nursery concept, please contact Victor Zamora at zamora@irwd.com. Attached is an application for our program here: Adopt the Nursery Application